Stewed potatoes in a slow cooker - 23 cooking recipes

Stewed potatoes in a slow cooker

Potatoes have been loved and revered in Rus' since time immemorial. What kind of dishes are not prepared from it! Potato mono-diets have also appeared - treats for those who dream of becoming slim, healthy and beautiful. Without this product, rich in microelements and vitamins and beneficial for the body, it is difficult to imagine the menu of a modern person in principle. Few people are aware, but the vegetable strengthens the nervous system, increases immunity, improves metabolism and has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. Modern hits of housewives are recipes for stewed potatoes in a slow cooker; they can be prepared not only for a family dinner, but also for dear guests. The obvious advantage of these dishes is ease of preparation, low time consumption, low cost and accessibility, since additional ingredients, as a rule, are vegetables familiar to our latitudes. Carrots, onions, zucchini, cabbage, peppers, fresh herbs, tomatoes, mushrooms, cheese, herbs and spices, as well as chicken, turkey, tenderloin or ribs will make stewed potatoes unforgettably aromatic and tasty. The main thing is that the potatoes are unspoiled and ripe, without greens. Unripe tubers are not only harmful to health, but can also irreparably spoil the overall taste.