Herring coat in a fur coat

A wonderful roll from such a seemingly ordinary salad as a fur coat. The guests were delighted. A recipe with a twist.
Serenity MartinezSerenity Martinez
Author of the recipe
Herring coat in a fur coat
*Nutritional value of 1 serving


ServingsServings: 6

Step-by-step preparation

Cooking timeCooking time: 4 hr 20 mins
  1. STEP 1

    STEP 1

    Cook the eggs. Grind the boiled eggs and melted cheese on a fine grater. Mix them with softened butter. If necessary, add salt and pepper. Add finely chopped herbs to 1/3 of the resulting mixture. Add grated boiled beets to the remaining 2/3. Mix. Cut the baguette along the long side. Remove the crumb from the baguette so that the loaf has walls 1 centimeter thick.

  2. STEP 2

    STEP 2

    Coat the inside of the baguette with the beetroot mixture. Spread a layer of greens on top. If desired, add finely chopped green onion feathers.

  3. STEP 3

    STEP 3

    Place gherkins along the uncut side. Next we put the herring. Coat the cut edges with oil so that the edges stick together. Close the baguette and wrap it well in cling film. Place the baguette in the refrigerator. He should spend about 3 hours there.

  4. STEP 4

    STEP 4

    Then we take the baguette out of the refrigerator, unwrap it and cut it into slices no more than 1 centimeter thick.

Comments on the recipe

Author comment no avatar
The recipe is great! I decided to train on the weekend, I was very worried that it wouldn’t work out, that something might fall apart or fall off) I did it the day before so that everything would soak well. I bought a baguette, replaced the gherkins with my pickles, and cut them into slices. The herring was enough for half the fish. It turned out great, the layers didn’t mix, nothing was colored. It looks very impressive and is easy to prepare. Good improvisation, thank you.