Dishes with rosemary - 82 cooking recipes

Rosemary is an evergreen shrub that grows on the shores of the Mediterranean. The aroma of fresh rosemary combines fresh, bitter, clean notes reminiscent of pine, lemon, camphor and eucalyptus.

Dishes with rosemary

The ancient Greeks endowed it with mystical properties to bring happiness to a person and protect against bad dreams. In Ancient Egypt, rosemary symbolized death. According to biblical legends, when the holy family stopped for a rest on the way to Egypt, the Virgin Mary laid the baby Jesus under a bush with white and blue flowers. It turned out to be rosemary. Recipes for many dishes, medicinal and spicy herbal mixtures contain this magical herb. Rosemary promotes improved secretion of gastric juice, improves digestion, tones and at the same time relieves nervous tension, fights colds, staphylococcus, E. coli and fungus. When mixed with lavender, rosemary (in the form of a water infusion) improves cerebral circulation, vision, and has a nootropic effect. Externally, folk medicine prescribed rosemary for neuritis, rheumatism, varicose veins and thrombophlebitis and for wound healing. This herb is used both fresh and dried to flavor dishes. Prolonged heat treatment of rosemary does not affect the aroma of the spice, so it is widely used in marinating pork, rabbit and lamb in order to remove their specific smell and give dishes the aroma of forest game. In addition to fried meat, rosemary goes well with mushrooms, eggs, cheese and vegetables - tomato, spinach, eggplant, zucchini, potatoes, cabbage. You can add rosemary to sauce or soup. Sweet recipes with rosemary will be represented by wine punch or apple jelly. The aromatic power of this spice is great, you should not overuse it, and also combine rosemary with bay leaves, add to fish dishes and refined marinades - the thick camphor note can drown out all other aromas. Rosemary is not only used for medicinal purposes and added to dishes. Rosemary produces a fragrant essential oil. Aromatherapy with rosemary oil can clear the air of almost all germs. We disinfect, nourish, refresh – cook at home with rosemary!