Marinated mushrooms - 34 cooking recipes

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Marinated mushrooms

With the onset of autumn, after the first rains, avid mushroom pickers go fishing. They return home with baskets full of chanterelles, boletus, moss mushrooms, saffron milk caps, aspen mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, milk mushrooms, champignons, porcini mushrooms, and russula. All of them are very tasty in preparations, especially in marinade. Recipes for pickled mushrooms allow the use of large and small mushrooms; the largest ones are cut into pieces. If you cook them correctly, they will be incredibly tasty, aromatic and piquant. They are good for any table, be it a regular dinner or a festive feast. Different mushrooms are marinated separately, without mixing them. This is due to the fact that they may differ significantly in the method of preparation and cooking time. Failure to comply with this rule will result in some of them being overcooked and spoiling the overall taste and appearance of the canned food. At the preparatory stage, do not overexpose the mushrooms in water: they will become watery and not tasty. To avoid poisoning, boiling is necessary before pickling. It is important to remember: if you are not sure or doubt that any specimens belong to a particular mushroom family, throw them away without regret!