Ear - 47 cooking recipes

Rich fish soup with a stunning aroma can be easily prepared at home. Over the years of its existence, fish soup recipes have been modernized many times, and each housewife has her own subtleties in preparing an unusual first course.


Fish soup can be prepared from any type of fish - from budget capelin to expensive salmon. In the classic recipe, a large fish head is always used to cook the broth. It is believed that the most delicious fish comes from pike perch, perch and ruff, and a glass of vodka poured into the pan gives it a slight, appropriate bitterness. To make the liquid base transparent and appetizing in appearance, whole, peeled carrots and onions are added to it during the cooking process. The finished vegetables are chopped and sent back into the broth along with the rest of the ingredients. Fish soup is prepared in a cauldron or thick-walled container with a closed lid to retain all the appetizing aromas. The broth must be filtered, removing bones, remaining scales, and fins along the way. This first course can be prepared from several varieties of fish, combining river and sea representatives, the taste will only benefit from this. The treat is served to the table, generously sprinkled with fresh, finely chopped herbs.