Homemade mayonnaise without vinegar using a blender

Natural, tasty, without chemicals, in minutes! Homemade mayonnaise without vinegar is made with a blender without hassle, using the simplest and most affordable products. If you thought this was a complicated process, then you were wrong. I hasten to tell you all the secrets of making the sauce.
Olivia JohnsonOlivia Johnson
Author of the recipe
Homemade mayonnaise without vinegar using a blender
*Nutritional value of 1 serving


ServingsServings: 1

Step-by-step preparation

Cooking timeCooking time: 3 mins
  1. STEP 1

    STEP 1

    How to make homemade mayonnaise without vinegar using a blender? Prepare the necessary ingredients for this. Take unscented vegetable oil. It can also be replaced with olive oil. My egg is category C1. You will learn a lot of useful information about eggs from the article on this topic. The link is at the end of the recipe. Honey can be replaced with 1/2 teaspoon of sugar. Or you can not add it at all. You can add some of your favorite spices.

  2. STEP 2

    STEP 2

    For preparation, it is convenient to take a tall glass from an immersion blender. Pour vegetable oil into it.

  3. STEP 3

    STEP 3

    Break the egg here. Try not to damage the yolk.

  4. STEP 4

    STEP 4

    Add mustard to the bowl and squeeze in lemon juice. If desired, you can add a little more or less mustard. After the first preparation, you will understand by taste how you can change the proportions.

  5. STEP 5

    STEP 5

    Pour liquid honey into the bowl. If you have it candied, then put it in the microwave. It will gradually become liquid. If you have olive oil, then adding honey will hide its bitterness.

  6. STEP 6

    STEP 6

    Place an immersion blender in the bowl to cover the egg yolk. Turn on the blender and blend all ingredients for a minute. Gradually the mass will thicken and lighten. The sauce will become homogeneous and quite thick.

  7. STEP 7

    STEP 7

    Mayonnaise without vinegar at home is ready! As you can see, everything took only 2-3 minutes. But you will definitely be sure of its naturalness. Use mayonnaise as needed. This could be a salad, sandwiches, an addition to main courses, or a marinade for meat. cook with pleasure!

Comments on the recipe

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Natalia M
Quite often I make mayonnaise myself, mainly using it for baking. The recipe for homemade mayonnaise without vinegar using a blender works best for me. I like to add lemon juice instead of vinegar. This makes the taste of the sauce softer and enriched with a pleasant citrus aroma. I added more mustard; I needed to marinate the meat in this mayonnaise. And to dress the salad, I take mustard on the tip of a spoon. This is how many times I am convinced that the yolk must be whole, then the mayonnaise will definitely turn out thick and whip up quickly! Indeed, just a couple of minutes and thick homemade mayonnaise is ready! The color of the sauce mainly depends on the amount of mustard and the color of the yolk. I always take a fresh homemade egg with a bright yolk. In my opinion, it is better to use regular, odorless sunflower oil. Other oils may give a bitter taste. I recommend trying to make your own mayonnaise using this recipe, it’s delicious and natural!