Mushroom soup with mushroom puree - 19 cooking recipes

Cream of mushroom soup fits perfectly into a cozy family dinner. Moreover, you can prepare it in a matter of minutes if you have a blender. By adding different vegetables, we get a slightly updated dish each time. Why not a fairy tale?

Mushroom soup with mushroom puree

If you start looking for recipes for creamed mushroom soup, prepare to go through a good hundred before you reach the end. The abundance of options, different cooking technologies, different dishes and household appliances - all this rather complicates the task than makes it easier. What do you think of the simplest, most budget-friendly, but delicious method? With it, just beat the mushrooms in the broth with a submersible blender until it becomes a liquid puree. Change the thickness by adding or removing excess liquid. All that remains is to add salt and the dish is ready.

But this is a version for the especially lazy. Of course, the most delicious recipe is the classic one. It is prepared with the addition of cream, which gives the mushrooms a special flavor. You will need the following ingredients: champignons (a French dish, that’s why mushrooms are like that), cream, onions, wheat flour, butter, pepper and salt.

Don't rush to add potatoes to the soup. Our housewives are accustomed to pushing it anywhere, and this is not always right or good. Firstly, potatoes add extra calories to the dish, so keep this in mind. Secondly, in some cases it is much healthier to take turnips instead. Or carrots. Or a pumpkin. Or you can get by with just mushrooms, onions and cream, as in the example described above.

To make your creamy mushroom soup as tasty as possible, follow these tips: