Gooseberry compote mojito

Step-by-step preparation
How to make gooseberry mojito compote for the winter? Prepare all the necessary ingredients for this wonderful drink. In the summer, when green gooseberries are ripe on the plot, you can pamper yourself and your household with them at least every day. All that remains is to collect a few berries. In winter, you can use frozen ones. Read about winter preparations and methods of sterilizing jars in separate articles on this topic. Links to them are at the end of this recipe.
Rinse the gooseberries under running water, drain in a colander and let the water drain completely. To make the berries in the drink look more beautiful, it is better to cut off the tails of the berries on both sides, but in principle this is not necessary, they do not affect the taste of the drink.
Wash the lemon well; if it is purchased in a store, it is better to wash it with soap to remove plaque from the skin of the fruit, since the lemon is cut and used together with the peel for compote. Cut the lemon into thin slices, remove the seeds. If you don’t have lemon on hand, you can replace it with regular citric acid by adding it to the drink at the rate of 1 teaspoon per three-liter jar.
Place gooseberries, lemon slices and mint, washed and dried on a paper towel, in clean (washed with soda) and sterilized jars. If you don't really like herbs like mint, you can add just a few leaves of this herb.
Fill the contents of the jars with boiling clean water up to the neck, cover the tops of the jars with clean lids and leave them for 25 minutes. There is no need to close the lids tightly.
Then pour the water from the cans into a saucepan, add sugar, put on the fire and bring to a boil. Stir the solution with a spoon until the sugar is completely dissolved. Turn off the heat. You will learn how to choose a suitable pan by reading the article at the link at the end of the recipe.
Pour sweet boiling marinade over gooseberries with mint and lemon in jars. Close the jars or roll them up with sterilized, clean lids; if you are making this drink for the winter, wrap the jars in a warm blanket and leave them warm for two days until they cool completely and store them in the pantry. Or, without rolling up the jars, cool the drink in the refrigerator, pour the gooseberry mojito with lemon and mint into glasses and serve. Bon appetit!
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