Salad with champignons and chicken - 91 cooking recipes

The frequent choice of chicken meat for preparing everyday dishes and treats for the holiday table is explained by its availability, benefits, and taste.

Salad with champignons and chicken

In addition, poultry meat is easily digestible and is included in the diet menu. It is widely used in cooking, largely due to the product’s good compatibility with a large number of other ingredients. One of the most popular combinations is chicken with champignons. In this tandem, both products successfully complement each other, and it is not surprising that it is used as a basis for tasty and nutritious salads. Using recipes for salad with champignons and chicken, you can prepare a simple dish with an original presentation.

The culinary section is regularly updated with new ideas - amateurs and professionals come up with new interpretations and reveal the secrets of preparing treats. Some cooks use fresh mushrooms, some use pickled ones, some prefer fillet, but others prefer higher-calorie meat. Chicken can be boiled or smoked. In addition to the main ingredients, potatoes, eggs, cheese, pineapples, peas, and canned corn are added to salads.