Potatoes with minced meat - 159 cooking recipes

Potatoes and minced meat create an almost perfect pair, which will be an excellent basis for a tasty and satisfying lunch. Recipes for dishes with potatoes and minced meat are surprisingly varied. This combination of products is excellent as a filling for pies and pies, and is often used in the recipe for various casseroles.

Potatoes with minced meat

From potatoes with beef, pork, chicken, turkey, rabbit or fish mince, you can prepare all kinds of steamed or fried cutlets, pancakes, zrazy, pancakes and even dumplings. Often the most popular vegetable crop is used simultaneously with ground meat when preparing first courses, solyankas, and stews. Potato-meat tandem goes well with other vegetables (carrots, onions, cabbage, tomatoes, bell peppers, broccoli, zucchini, eggplant, etc.), all varieties of mushrooms, cheese, eggs, any dough, both yeast and yeast-free , spicy herbs, herbs and seasonings.

The scope for the housewife's imagination knows no bounds. Using these two affordable products, you can prepare many dishes that will surprise guests and household members every time with their novelty, unique aroma, juiciness, piquancy and appetizing.