Dishes and drinks with liquor - 32 cooking recipes

The word "liqueur" means "liquid" in French. Liqueur is a light alcoholic drink characterized by a sweet fruit or berry taste.

Dishes and drinks with liquor

In terms of consistency, liqueur can be compared to syrup, although liqueur is far from the sweetness of syrup (and this is good)). The percentage of ethyl alcohol in liqueur does not exceed 40 units. Usually it is 15 percent. It is believed that the liqueur owes its birth to medieval alchemists who dreamed of finding the recipe for the elixir of life at any cost. It was in those distant times that most of the liqueurs that received the names of religious orders were formed. There are three categories of liqueurs: strong liqueurs, dessert liqueurs and cream liqueurs. Of course, the preparation of liqueurs differs depending on the category. Cocktails with liqueur are also widespread. However, very often liqueur is consumed as an independent drink. The liqueur can be added to a variety of dishes, including baked goods, mousses, puddings, ice cream, cake creams and so on. Typically, the liqueur is served at the end of dinner along with a cup of coffee or tea. The most famous brand of liqueur today is Irish cream liqueur Baileys (or Baileys). This liqueur contains high-quality Irish whiskey and Irish cream. Baileys liqueur is considered, perhaps, the best liqueur. Among other things, Baileys liqueur is by no means the most expensive liqueur. The second most popular liqueur is also the Irish liqueur Sheridan (or Sheridans). Sheridan liqueur is made from whiskey and is two-colored. Sheridan liqueur is bottled in special bottles with two compartments. One part contains vanilla-cream liqueur, the second – coffee-chocolate liqueur. When poured, both liqueurs are arranged in layers in the glass. Malibu liqueur occupies third place in the list of popularity of liqueurs. However, Malibu liqueur is not so much a liqueur as it is rum, which contains natural coconut palm extract.