Homemade mayonnaise Provencal with a mixer in 5 minutes

The most popular mayonnaise, prepared in five minutes! Quick, simple and delicious! It's no secret that store-bought Provencal mayonnaise contains many harmful additives. If we discard all the flavorings and preservatives, what remains is that the composition of mayonnaise is surprisingly simple.
Abigail LopezAbigail Lopez
Author of the recipe
Homemade mayonnaise Provencal with a mixer in 5 minutes
*Nutritional value of 1 serving


ServingsServings: 6

Step-by-step preparation

Cooking timeCooking time: 5 mins
  1. STEP 1

    STEP 1

    How to make homemade Provencal mayonnaise with a mixer in 5 minutes? Prepare ingredients for making mayonnaise.

  2. STEP 2

    STEP 2

    Cut a small piece of lemon and squeeze the juice out of it. You will need a little juice - a tablespoon at most, depending on your taste.

  3. STEP 3

    STEP 3

    Break the egg into a bowl, preferably with high sides. The main condition is that the yolk remains intact; the thickness of the future mayonnaise depends on this. Add salt, sugar and mustard.

  4. STEP 4

    STEP 4

    Take a mixer or blender and immediately start beating the egg at maximum speed. The mass will begin to lighten and increase in volume. Continue whisking for a few minutes.

  5. STEP 5

    STEP 5

    When the egg mass is well beaten, start adding vegetable oil. Pour it in carefully, in a thin stream, actively working with the mixer. There is no need to add all the oil at once; the mayonnaise may not thicken. You will see how it gradually begins to become thick. When the vegetable oil runs out, start adding olive oil in the same way.

  6. STEP 6

    STEP 6

    After adding all the oil, continue whisking the mayonnaise for a few more minutes until it reaches the desired consistency. If suddenly the mass remains liquid, add more oil. Add lemon juice at the very end. I did this by stopping the mixer. Don’t pour it all out at once; you can easily make a mistake with acid. Also try to see if there is enough salt and spices. Mayonnaise is ready!

Comments on the recipe

Author comment no avatar
I’m just learning how to make mayonnaise on my own and not buy it at the store. Thanks for the good recipe. I also liked the version of homemade mayonnaise without eggs.
Author comment no avatar
Anyone who has a blender can make homemade mayonnaise with it.
Author comment no avatar
Natalia M
I needed mayonnaise for the marinade, but we rarely have it at home. I thought that a decent way out of the situation would be to make homemade mayonnaise. On the website I found a suitable recipe for homemade Provencal mayonnaise using a mixer in 5 minutes. I liked the ingredients and their proportions. Just for marinating, it is good to use lemon juice and mustard, which are included in this sauce. As recommended by the author, I did everything quickly and beat at high speed. I only used 150 ml of oil; I didn’t need very fatty and thick mayonnaise. The consistency turned out to be approximately the same as that of sour cream 15%. I was satisfied with this result) The mayonnaise tastes pleasant, with a creamy aftertaste and a slight hint of citrus and mustard. Not spicy, which is also important to me. I used part of the sauce as a marinade, and we spread the rest on black bread and ate it with soup and fresh vegetables. Very tasty, I recommend it!
Author comment no avatar
My family loves homemade mayonnaise! It is simply impossible to confuse it with what is sold in the store. This is not only a difference in taste, but also in aroma. The smell of mustard and eggs awakens the appetite. I try to prepare it regularly so that the drug always remains fresh. It doesn’t take much time to prepare mayonnaise, all the ingredients are simple and familiar, and as a result you are absolutely sure that your homemade ones are not poisoned with chemical components, preservatives and flavorings.