Som - 10 cooking recipes

Today we value food that is quick to prepare and provides the maximum amount of nutrients. Try treating your family and friends to delicious, easy-to-prepare catfish dishes.


The predatory inhabitant of fresh water bodies is distinguished by the absence of scales, very tender meat and a minimal number of bones. Recipes for dishes with catfish are replete with a variety of combined ingredients and cooking ideas. The high-calorie fillet of this fish is good in itself. However, in combination with a side dish of potatoes or fluffy rice, its taste will sparkle in a new way. Sprinkle the dish with lemon juice before serving and sprinkle with aromatic parsley, and your household will shower you with the most flattering compliments.

Catfish is also excellent for dietary nutrition. Baked in foil or steamed, it will quickly be absorbed, but will saturate the body with the necessary micro and macroelements. Catfish balyk is considered a delicacy. The golden, elastic meat with a delicate dried flavor will make you gladly eat every last slice. Lovers of outdoor recreation will be surprised by the speed of preparation and incomparable taste of catfish kebab. Marinate pieces of fish in a mixture of fennel, parsley, sage and lemon juice, and then even the most skilled chef will not be able to distinguish catfish from sturgeon fish!