Casserole without semolina - 53 cooking recipes
- Airy cottage cheese casserole in the ovenLight and tender, it contains a lot of cottage cheese and little flour!
- 1 hr
- 8 Servings
- 242 Kcal
- 470
- Curd casserole with flour in the ovenA very tasty and healthy option for breakfast!
- 1 hr
- 4 Servings
- 242 Kcal
- 173
- Cottage cheese casserole in a slow cooker without semolinaHealthy, tasty and so tender that it looks like a soufflé.
- 1 hr 40 mins
- 8 Servings
- 275 Kcal
- 146
- Curd casserole with rice flour in the ovenAiry, soft, delicate. The height of perfection!
- 1 hr 10 mins
- 6 Servings
- 307 Kcal
- 116
- Zucchini casserole with cottage cheese in the ovenThis unusual casserole is prepared in layers.
- 1 hr 30 mins
- 4 Servings
- 292 Kcal
- 144
- Cottage cheese casserole with rice in the ovenTasty, healthy, made from simple ingredients, for the whole family!
- 1 hr
- 5 Servings
- 418 Kcal
- 126
- Simple cottage cheese casserole in the ovenSoft, airy, without flour and without semolina!
- 1 hr 40 mins
- 4 Servings
- 316 Kcal
- 154
- Curd pumpkin casserole in the ovenDelicious, healthy, inexpensive and beautiful casserole with pumpkin!
- 2 hr
- 6 Servings
- 259 Kcal
- 317
- Cottage cheese casserole with raisins and sour cream without flour and semolinaThe most tender, fluffy, appetizing and delicious!
- 1 hr
- 8 Servings
- 225 Kcal
- 165
- Curd casserole with carrotsHealthy and delicious food! Simple, appetizing and incredibly delicious!
- 1 hr 30 mins
- 10 Servings
- 285 Kcal
- 184
- Pumpkin casserole with cottage cheese and apples without flourAiry, tender, juicy, healthy, for the whole family!
- 1 hr 25 mins
- 3 Servings
- 354 Kcal
- 198
- Cottage cheese casserole with raisins and starch in the ovenRuddy cottage cheese casserole is both tasty and healthy!
- 30 mins
- 6 Servings
- 282 Kcal
- 57
- Delicate cottage cheese casserole with yogurtDo you want something tasty in the morning? Try this casserole
- 1 hr
- 12 Servings
- 180 Kcal
- 88
- Cottage cheese casserole with starch in the ovenLush, tender, incomparable! It just melts in your mouth!
- 1 hr
- 6 Servings
- 323 Kcal
- 50
- Pumpkin casserole with apples in the ovenBright, satisfying, healthy and tasty, for the whole family!
- 1 hr
- 4 Servings
- 458 Kcal
- 206
- Corn-curd casseroleA very tasty, nutritious and healthy casserole that the whole family will love!
- 1 hr 15 mins
- 8 Servings
- 350 Kcal
- 110
- Curd and rice casseroleHearty breakfast casserole with prunes.
- 1 hr 20 mins
- 4 Servings
- 384 Kcal
- 96
- Delicate cottage cheese casserole in the ovenFor the whole family, for breakfast and afternoon snack, delicious!
- 1 hr
- 4 Servings
- 292 Kcal
- 94
- Pasta casserole with cottage cheeseA delicious and nutritious dessert made from pasta and cottage cheese!
- 40 mins
- 2 Servings
- 522 Kcal
- 37
- Cottage cheese casserole with condensed milk in a slow cookerYou can cook the casserole in the oven, but a microwave will simplify the process.
- 1 hr 30 mins
- 6 Servings
- 296 Kcal
- 81
- Casserole with carrots and cottage cheeseIncredibly tasty casserole is especially good with honey!
- 30 mins
- 2 Servings
- 399 Kcal
- 170
- Curd casserole with oatmeal and pumpkinA very tasty and tender casserole that kids will especially love!
- 1 hr 45 mins
- 8 Servings
- 219 Kcal
- 148
- Dietary cottage cheese casseroleAiry cottage cheese casserole without flour and semolina!
- 1 hr
- 4 Servings
- 383 Kcal
- 243
- Buckwheat casserole in the oven from porridge with cottage cheeseOriginal, tasty, healthy, perfect for tea for the whole family!
- 50 mins
- 6 Servings
- 348 Kcal
- 68