Blueberry Blueberry Pie - 13 cooking recipes

Blueberries are such a healthy berry that they even look appropriate in a pie. By the way, preparing it will not be difficult, especially if you make a jellied pie.

Blueberry Blueberry Pie

The fastest blueberry pie is prepared using kefir dough using a method in which all products, including berries, are mixed together into a single mass. Afterwards, this mass is simply poured into a suitable shape, round or square, and baked in a hot oven in one layer.

If you have the time and desire to think of something more complex, you can start making a pie with berry filling. That is, one where the dough comes separately from the filling. It can be yeasty, flaky, sandy. If it is dense and holds its shape, then it is rolled out into a layer, onto which the berries mixed with sugar are laid out. If it is liquid, then it is poured into the bottom of the mold, and the berries are carefully laid out on top. At the same time, they are immersed in the dough, which looks very nice when finished.

There is a third preparation option: with sauce or cheesecake-style filling. The pie has a bottom, main layer in the form of a basket with sides. And this basket is filled with sour cream or creamy blueberry mousse. There are recipes that also involve gelatin. And the assembled pie is not baked in the oven, but cooled in the refrigerator.

Whatever option is chosen, the pie in any case will turn out not only tasty, but also beautiful - thanks to the color of the blueberries.