Arabic cuisine - 26 cooking recipes

The culinary traditions of the Middle Eastern countries are combined into Arab cuisine. Historically, the peoples of these regions lived in close interaction with each other (there were wars, trade, cooperation and land seizures), and all this made adjustments to the traditions and food of each people individually.

Arabic cuisine

Nowadays, this culinary environment is full of delicious, authentic home-made recipes. Everyone knows Arabic snacks - tahina spreads and hummus (to prepare the first, you need sesame seeds, for the second, chickpeas), as well as eggplant dip with olive oil and garlic flavor (called baba ghanouk ). Tasty and colorful! Hot dishes include beans, rice and stewed vegetables. The main population professes Islam, so they eat lamb (it predominates), poultry, and goat meat. Such dishes take a long time to prepare - first they are marinated, then fried, and then stewed in various sauces until wonderfully soft. It has long been the custom that you won’t find half-raw meat here - it stores very poorly in hot climates. It’s interesting that they know how to process all parts of the carcass – they even eat the entrails and hooves. Seasonings include saffron, cloves, cinnamon, and sour marinades are often prepared. Legumes and vegetables, homemade rich dishes, soups and stews are popular. The main type of bread is pita flatbread. Made from white flour, they puff up when fried. They can be filled with vegetables, meat trimmings, boiled eggs or herbs. They wrap scraps of meat (like shawarma). Sweets are a source of pride. Mukhalabiya is made from rice, Turkish honey baklava has become the national pride of all countries of the Middle East. The recipe for the sweet pie fytfr is also popular. This is a very tasty dessert!