Pitted cherry plum jam

Step-by-step preparation
More often, cherry plum jam is made with seeds, because they are quite difficult to remove from the fruit. But not everyone likes this kind of jam with seeds, and it can be used less often in baking. Therefore, if you put a little effort into removing the seeds, you can make excellent seedless cherry plum jam. Jam can be made from cherry plum of any variety and color: yellow, red or purple, depending on taste and availability.
For jam, you need to take well-ripe cherry plum so that the finished product is aromatic and sweet. Unripe cherry plum is very sour and without proper aroma, and overripe cherry plum is only suitable for making jam. Wash the cherry plum thoroughly, changing the water several times, sorting it out, removing rotten and spoiled fruits. Place the cherry plum in a colander and let the water drain completely.
Carefully cut each fruit with a knife and remove the seed. We transfer the cherry plum into an enamel bowl and cover it with sugar. Cover the dish with a towel and leave the container with cherry plum at room temperature for 5 hours. During this time, the sugar will dissolve and the cherry plum will release juice. After the specified amount of time, put the container with cherry plum on the fire and bring to a boil.
Remove the resulting foam from the surface of the jam with a slotted spoon and cook for 5 minutes from the moment it boils, constantly stirring with a spoon or spatula so that the sugar does not burn to the bottom of the dish. Then remove the dish with the jam from the heat and leave again for 5-6 hours at room temperature to rest. After the specified period of time, boil the jam again for 5 minutes. And so we repeat the procedure two more times.
In the meantime, prepare the jam jars. It is better to take them in small volumes, wash them with soda solution. We sterilize using one of the convenient methods: in a water bath, in the microwave or in the oven. Boil the lids and dry them. Fill the jars with jam up to the shoulders and roll up the lids. Let the jam cool completely at room temperature under a blanket.
Store the jam in a cold pantry. Can be served immediately. Cherry plum jam is an excellent addition to breakfast or a base for desserts and pastries. Bon appetit!
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