Apricot jam with kernels

Step-by-step preparation
How to make apricot jam with kernels from the seeds for the winter? Prepare all the necessary products. Rinse the apricots well in several waters.
Cut the apricots in half and remove the pits. You can boil the slices or cut them into quarters. Chop the seeds and remove the kernels; be sure to wash them. You can crack the apricot pits using a hammer or a garlic press.
Place the prepared apricots in a thin layer in a cooking basin and sprinkle with a little sugar, then lay out the next layer of apricots and sprinkle with sugar again. Continue layering until you run out of apricots, the last layer should be sugar. In total, about half of the total amount of sugar will be spent on pouring. Leave the apricots for 2 - 3 hours to allow the fruit to release its juice.
After a while, when juice appears in the basin, put it on low heat, stirring until the sugar dissolves completely.
Then increase the heat to medium.
Let the mixture boil, stir and let it boil twice more, stirring each time.
Remove the jam from the stove. While shaking the pelvis, drive the foam towards the center and be sure to remove it. Since it can affect the color, taste and shelf life of the jam.
Pour the remaining sugar into the hot mixture and stir gently until the sugar dissolves quickly. Cover the bowl with gauze or a kitchen towel and leave until completely cool, 3 to 4 hours.
After this time, repeat the boiling procedure again. Also remove the foam and leave to cool for 3-4 hours.
Prepare the jars: - wash them with baking soda under running water. Place wet in a cold oven with the neck down, and also place the lids. Turn on the oven at 150 degrees, after reaching the set temperature, sterilize 0.5l jars for 10 minutes, 1l jars for 15 minutes. For me, this method of sterilization is the most convenient; I have been using it for many years. You can use your proven sterilization method (microwave or steam)
Put the jam on the fire for the third time and after boiling, add the kernels of the seeds and boil the jam for 3 - 5 minutes. Skim off the foam.
The finished jam is quite thick, but still not like jam. It is very convenient to use as a filling in rolls, pies, cheesecakes, as a layer for sponge cakes, as a coating for pancakes, but you can also dip pancakes. The consistency is very suitable for wide use.
Pour the hot jam into warm, dry, sterilized jars and seal. Turn it over onto the lid, wrap it in a blanket or blanket and let it cool. Immediately put it in the cellar or refrigerator. I prepared a small amount for the fillings, so I poured 350 ml of jam into cups with plastic lids. In total we got 1 liter of jam and a glass for testing.
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