Shurpa soup - 9 cooking recipes

Shurpa or shorba is a traditional Arabic soup, which is prepared on the basis of a fatty, rich broth and fried vegetables. The products are put into the soup coarsely chopped so that each ingredient retains its original taste.

Shurpa soup

A hearty first course perfect for home-cooked dinners. It has a unique taste and perfectly fills you up for the whole day. A very thick soup with plenty of herbs is prepared from different types of meat. Traditional recipes for shurpa soup include the use of fat-tailed lamb - it is this that gives that unique meaty flavor for which the first dish is loved all over the world. The meat must be well boiled.

For shorba you only need potatoes, carrots and onions. Potato tubers are boiled in broth and are often served separately from fish soup and meat pieces as a side dish. The onion and carrots are fried in melted fat or butter. Be sure to add chopped herbs: basil, cilantro, parsley, dill, cumin. The more spices and herbs, the better the food will turn out. Some recipes recommend adding pieces of apples, quince, and apricots to other ingredients. Arabic soup is served hot. It is eaten with pita bread or flatbread.