Smoked sausage

From the simplest products, healthy and tastiest. The good thing about raw smoked sausage at home is that you are 100% sure that it contains no harmful additives. Spend little effort on preparing it - this product will dry itself for a long time. You will need a cold smoking machine.
Harper DavisHarper Davis
Author of the recipe
Smoked sausage
*Nutritional value of 1 serving


ServingsServings: 8

Step-by-step preparation

Cooking timeCooking time: 30 day
  1. STEP 1

    STEP 1

    How to make raw smoked sausage at home? Prepare all products according to the list. The main and very important point is to choose fresh meat for the sausage that has not been frozen. You will also need fresh pork fat, nitrite salt and seasonings. Sausage can be made from one type of meat, or mix several. I used beef and pork in the recipe.

  2. STEP 2

    STEP 2

    Cut the meat into small pieces of equal size.

  3. STEP 3

    STEP 3

    Add sugar and nitrite salt. What is nitrite salt used for? It is a preservative and prevents the appearance of botulism and harmful bacteria. In addition, it gives the finished product a beautiful, appetizing color.

  4. STEP 4

    STEP 4

    Knead the meat thoroughly so that the salt and sugar are completely evenly mixed into each piece. Place the meat in a deep container, cover with a lid or cling film and place in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf for several hours, or better yet, overnight.

  5. STEP 5

    STEP 5

    Cut the lard into small cubes. This will be easy to do if you lightly freeze the bacon in the freezer beforehand.

  6. STEP 6

    STEP 6

    Add ground black pepper and garlic powder to the marinated meat and lard. At this point, you can use any seasonings you like. Some recipes suggest pouring a little skate into the minced meat or vodka, I didn’t do this. Knead everything thoroughly again.

  7. STEP 7

    STEP 7

    Prepare the natural casing, wash it well and soak it in cold water for a while. Using an electric meat grinder and a special attachment, form the sausage. I passed half of the minced meat through the middle grid of the meat grinder.

  8. STEP 8

    STEP 8

    The remaining meat through the largest rack.

  9. STEP 9

    STEP 9

    Stuff all the minced meat into the casing. Choose the length of the products yourself. Using a thin needle, make punctures in the sausage to allow excess air to escape.

  10. STEP 10

    STEP 10

    Hang the sausages in a cool room to shrink and compact. I dried it in the attic at a temperature of about 10-15 degrees, where I periodically opened the window for ventilation.

  11. STEP 11

    STEP 11

    After 10 days, smoke the sausage in a cold smoking apparatus (this is done for 3 days). The temperature should be about 22 degrees, humidity 75%. Next, hang the sausages again for 20-30 days for the final stage of cooking. Maintain the temperature no more than 10-15 degrees and ventilate the room to maintain a pleasant aroma.

  12. STEP 12

    STEP 12

    I don’t have a cold smoking machine, so I used liquid smoke. After drying the sausage in the attic for 30 days, I rubbed the bars with liquid smoke, wrapped them in gauze and left them in a cool place for another couple of days.

  13. STEP 13

    STEP 13

    This is what smoked dry-cured sausage looks like, cooked using liquid smoke.

  14. STEP 14

    STEP 14

    The cut is very appetizing and beautiful.

  15. STEP 15

    STEP 15

    Wrap the bars in cheesecloth or paper and store as such. It is better to put the started sausage stick in the refrigerator.

  16. STEP 16

    STEP 16

    Slice the delicacy as thinly as possible and serve!

Comments on the recipe

Author comment no avatar
Your sausage looks wonderful, I just want to eat it. I just can’t imagine where to get this liquid smoke. We also make sausages at home, but we just fry them, like this