How to freeze plums

Frozen plums for perfect baking and drinks! During the harvest season, garden plums prepared in this way will allow you and your family to enjoy delicious and aromatic baked goods all year round. The plum variety can be any.
Skylar TurnerSkylar Turner
Author of the recipe
How to freeze plums
*Nutritional value of 1 serving


ServingsServings: 2

Step-by-step preparation

Cooking timeCooking time: 15 mins
  1. STEP 1

    STEP 1

    How to freeze plums for the winter? For this preparation, choose a sweet, ripe plum, with a sour skin and dense pulp. This will be convenient to work with when removing seeds.

  2. STEP 2

    STEP 2

    Remove the plums from the branches and wash under running water. This must be done carefully to remove the maximum amount of contaminants. Place the plum in a colander to drain all the water. When frozen, excess moisture will create a large amount of frost in the packages.

  3. STEP 3

    STEP 3

    Using a small knife, make longitudinal vertical cuts on the plums. Take care of your hands so you don't get cut!

  4. STEP 4

    STEP 4

    Turn the resulting halves in opposite directions relative to each other around the bone. This method allows you to conveniently and quickly remove pits from plums. By the way, I do exactly the same thing when I peel any fruit with a large pit, especially avocado and mango.

  5. STEP 5

    STEP 5

    So, remove the seeds from all prepared plums. The peel can be removed or left on. This is purely optional. The cutting of fruit can also be absolutely arbitrary. Focus on which dishes you plan to add plums to. I will bake my favorite pie with these plums, so I will leave the halves.

  6. STEP 6

    STEP 6

    Divide the prepared plums into small portions, about one dish. And distribute in one layer in tight bags designed specifically for freezing. Instead, you can use special vacuum seal bags, Ziploc bags, or even freezer containers. The main rule: a small portion and proper placement so that the fruit does not stick together in one lump.

  7. STEP 7

    STEP 7

    Store plums in a freezer at a temperature of -18 ⁰C or lower.

Comments on the recipe

Author comment no avatar
Excellent preparation, and most importantly fast. Not everyone knows how to freeze plums for the winter, including me. This was my first time freezing plums following this recipe. The plums I took were sweet, tasty and dense. Washed and dried. I took out the pits and divided the plums into two halves. I put it in bags and put it in the freezer. Ready! I will use frozen plums to make compote in winter or for filling in baked goods. Thanks to the author for the idea!