Cherry wine

Step-by-step preparation
How to make simple cherry wine at home? Prepare your ingredients. Cherries do not need to be washed; on the surface of the berries there are microorganisms that cause the fermentation process necessary for making wine. However, other bacteria can also enter the wort from the surface of the cherry, which can cause it to sour or spoil the drink by turning it into vinegar. Citric acid will help avoid this.
The seeds need to be removed from cherries because they contain hydrocyanic acid, which can cause the drink to become bitter. But if you leave some berries with seeds for making wine, the drink will acquire a slight almond flavor. Carefully cut the unwashed cherries into pieces, being careful not to mash the berries too much so as not to lose the juice.
Place the berries in a deep container, preferably a glass jar, remember, you can crush them with a masher so that they release the juice. Pour cold boiled water over the pulp so that a third of the volume of the jar is free. Cover the jar with a lid and place in a warm, dark place for three days. Every day the mass needs to be stirred three to four times, lifting the pulp from the bottom so that the liquid does not sour.
Then squeeze out the pulp and remove it, add sugar and citric acid to the liquid part. Put a rubber glove on the jar with a hole in one of your fingers to allow carbon dioxide to escape. Place the jar with the wine stock back in a warm, dark place. It is important to observe the temperature regime (from 22 to 27 degrees).
After 2-3 weeks, fermentation should stop. A deflated glove will indicate this. Strain the wine through cheesecloth folded in several layers.
Put the glove on the jar again and put it away in a dark, cool place (temperature about 18-20 degrees) for a month.
After the specified time, strain the wine again and bottle it. Store the wine in a cool place, placing the bottles in a horizontal position. To be safe, you can add a little alcohol to the wine, or sterilize it in a water bath for 15 minutes at a temperature of 60 degrees. The drink can be served after six months.
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