Homemade blackcurrant wine

Step-by-step preparation
How to make homemade blackcurrant wine? Prepare the ingredients according to the list. It is advisable to use sweet varieties of blackcurrant to prepare this drink. But since in any case this berry is quite sour, adding sugar is necessary. Berries can be used fresh or frozen, but not washed before freezing.
Carefully sort the blackcurrant berries, remove leaves, debris and spoiled berries, but do not wash them. Microbes must not be allowed to penetrate into the wine preparation, but it is necessary to preserve the natural “wine” yeast present on the surface of the skin of the berries; it is thanks to them that fermentation will begin and the finished wine will be produced. The berries need to be crushed with a blender, a hand masher, or twisted through a meat grinder.
Place the crushed berries in a glass bowl. To prepare wine, you cannot use a plastic or metal container, otherwise the juice, must or finished wine may absorb the smell of this container, or oxidation will occur. Dissolve half the sugar in 1.5 liters of warm boiled water and pour this syrup over the berries so that the contents do not exceed two-thirds of the total volume of the container, since active fermentation will begin.
Tighten the neck with gauze or put on a rubber glove and make a small hole in one finger. Leave the preparation in a dark place at room temperature for four days on average. It is better to let the wort ferment longer so that the pulp releases all the juice.
During this time, once a day you need to stir the contents of the container with a spatula to speed up fermentation. Then filter the fermented wort from the berry pulp by straining it through cheesecloth. Throw away the pulp and pour the wort back into the jar.
Put a rubber glove on the jar or install a water seal if available. Divide the remaining sugar into 4 parts. Add 1/4 sugar to the wort and stir. Place the container with the wine preparation in a dark place with a temperature of 16 to 25 degrees and leave for 2-3 weeks. Once a week, check the condition of the drink and add the remaining sugar bit by bit, stirring each time.
When fermentation is completely over, strain the drink through gauze folded in several layers and pour into glass bottles. Close the bottles and put them in a cool, dark place, for example, in a cellar for quiet fermentation. Age the wine for about 2-3 months. During this time, once every three to four weeks, the wine must be filtered from the sediment. You can also add sugar to taste to prepare, for example, a dessert drink.
Blackcurrant wine is ready. This drink can be stored in a cool place for about 1-1.5 years. Enjoy the tasting!