Dishes with persimmons - 15 cooking recipes

Chocolate-brown kings, elongated Egyptian, Chinese with a “cap”, fig-honey, Sharon, with a marmalade flavor, reminiscent of the shape of a tangerine or a large tomato “ox heart” - this is a small list of persimmon varieties, and there are several hundred of them in the world.

Dishes with persimmons

It’s a pity that fruits appear on domestic shelves only in winter and in a very limited assortment. Out of habit, “paradise apples” are eaten as an independent dessert, however, many delicious dishes can be prepared from the fruit. Recipes with persimmons are designed for a variety of processing: - Short or long-term freezing . Place in the freezer for a couple of days to remove excess astringency or store until spring. - Drying - dried fruits turn out tastier than candy. - Cut into fruit salads. - Make filling for pies, sweet pizzas, cakes. - Excellent filler for homemade yogurts, milkshakes, smoothies, cheesecakes, pancakes. The only thing is that cooks do not recommend boiling persimmons - in boiling water its astringent and tart taste manifests itself even more strongly. Therefore, it is advisable to cook jelly and compotes from other ingredients. And if you want jam, you should choose aged fruits, even those with dark spots on the surface, or varieties with sweet pulp.