Pitted apricot jam with almonds

It's easy to cook and tastes amazing! Apricot jam turns out beautiful, aromatic with a light almond note. Very tasty and unusual!
Mia BrownMia Brown
Author of the recipe
Pitted apricot jam with almonds
*Nutritional value of 1 serving


ServingsServings: 14

Step-by-step preparation

Cooking timeCooking time: 9 hr
  1. STEP 1

    STEP 1

    The apricots for this jam should be ripe, but not soft or overripe. The pit should separate well. Wash the apricots, cut them in half along the groove, and remove the pit.

  2. STEP 2

    STEP 2

    Place the apricot halves in the bowl in which we will cook the jam. Sprinkle sugar in layers: layer of apricots – layer of sugar and so on, alternating.

  3. STEP 3

    STEP 3

    Cover with a lid and leave for 5-6 hours. Apricots will give juice.

  4. STEP 4

    STEP 4

    Place the dishes with apricots on the fire and boil them for 5-7 minutes. Then remove from heat and cool. Then heat again, boil for 7 minutes and cool. At this time, stir the apricots carefully with a wooden spatula so that they retain their shape and do not turn into a shapeless mass.

  5. STEP 5

    STEP 5

    For the third time, put the apricots on the fire, bring to a boil, and add the almonds to the apricot jam. It needs to be washed first. Boil for five minutes.

  6. STEP 6

    STEP 6

    Place the jam in prepared pre-sterilized jars and screw on the lid for the winter. Turn the jam upside down and leave to cool in the air.

Comments on the recipe

Author comment no avatar
I decided to make jam for the winter and took this recipe for “pitted apricot jam with almonds” as a basis. I made seedless jam from apricots, replacing the nuts with orange. My child doesn't eat nuts yet. The orange complemented the apricots perfectly. I chose pineapple-flavored apricots for preparation. I really liked the taste of pineapple and orange. The preparation is elementary. I took the pits out of fresh apricots. Sprinkled it with sugar and left it overnight. For a kilo of apricot I took a kilo of sugar, as the author writes. A lot of juice came out, so I added the juice of one large orange. I boiled the jam in three batches for 5 minutes each as described in the recipe and rolled it into jars. Amazing jam! Easy preparation! Many thanks to the author!
Author comment no avatar
I saw this recipe with almonds. I got excited and decided to make apricot jam too. The experience turned out to be completely unsuccessful! There is no taste or smell from the almonds in the jam, just as the almonds themselves in the jam are completely tasteless and odorless. For the older generation with problem teeth, these almonds in jam turned out to be completely unacceptable - you couldn’t chew them. And this despite the fact that the almonds were cut into halves and quarters. By the way, 100 g of almonds per 1 kg of apricot is a lot!!! And yet, almonds must be washed very well several times. Then soak in boiling water and peel the skin. While the almonds stand in hot water for 10-15 minutes, the color of the water becomes dirty brown-brown. If you cook unpeeled almonds, the color of the jam becomes worse. Conclusion: the recipe for apricot jam with almonds is not needed for real life. As the tasters said: “This almond is for showing off!”