Stewed eggplant - 63 cooking recipes

Eggplant is a tasty and healthy vegetable, but in order for the appetizer from it to turn out to be truly exquisite and impressive, it is important to use only fresh, young fruits.

Stewed eggplant

In stale and overripe vegetables, the content of solanine increases significantly, which gives food a bitter taste. To avoid bitterness in the finished dish, the fruits are placed in a saline solution for several minutes or sprinkled with salt. Then they can be cooked as usual. Recipes for stewed eggplant are numerous and each has its own flavor. Blue ones can be stewed in sour cream, with potatoes, with meat. Tomatoes add lightness and tenderness to the taste, while onions, garlic and spices add piquancy and spiciness.

There are wonderful filling options for dieting or fasting. New flavor shades will be added to the food by original ingredients: bell peppers, olives, capers. In Chinese cuisine, this vegetable is cooked with ginger and soy sauce, in Georgian cuisine with feta cheese or walnuts, and in Turkish cuisine with minced meat. After stewing, the blue ones can be used both as an independent product and as a component for a stew or salad. Stewed eggplants are an excellent base for vegetable caviar or ratatouille. They can be canned to spoil your family with summer deliciousness all year round.