Pink salmon steak - 5 cooking recipes

Pink salmon steaks are good to serve on a holiday table by frying them in a grill pan or after baking them in the oven. This is one of the most successful dishes suitable for special occasions, including home celebrations for two or parties with close friends.

Pink salmon steak

Pink salmon meat itself has a dryish texture, and its steaks are no exception. Therefore, when choosing a pink salmon steak recipe, you should take this fact into account - it should contain a description of how to make the dish juicy and tender.

The calorie content of this product is 116 kcal, BZHU: 20, 4 and 0, respectively. The chemical composition of steak is the same as fillet of pink salmon from any other part of its carcass. Meat contains polyunsaturated fatty acids (for which fish is famous), easily digestible proteins, vitamins A, PP, B, C, phosphorus, chromium, cobalt, potassium, sulfur, sodium, molybdenum, iron, nickel, chlorine.

The most common ways to cook pink salmon steak are in a frying pan and in the oven. You can cook with or without sauce. Before frying or baking, pieces of meat must be marinated. You can use any marinade: described in the recipe or some of your own, it’s not critical. For marinades take: lemons, vinegar, mayonnaise, honey, mustard, soy sauce, vegetable oil, dry mixtures of fish seasonings, white wine. Marinating will make dry meat so juicy that you won’t need to add gravy to it. The time may vary, but always at least thirty minutes.

It is better to serve the sauce with ready-made steaks in gravy boats. Any white one made with cream or other dairy product is ideal. Grilled or steamed vegetables, or ready-made frozen vegetable mixtures prepared according to instructions are good as a side dish.