Burrito - 5 cooking recipes

Mexican cuisine is distinguished by an abundance of simple and delicious dishes that are easy to prepare even at home. Burrito recipes prove that it is possible to create a tasty and satisfying snack from basic food ingredients.


There are no specific rules in its preparation; this is a great opportunity to get creative and come up with your own unique recipe. The classic burrito is a thin wheat flatbread - a tortilla, in which the meat filling is wrapped. Housewives do not limit themselves in the choice of ingredients and use fried chicken breast or pork, minced meat, champignon mushrooms, onions, tomatoes, fresh cucumbers, hard cheese, and bell peppers for filling.

The classic recipe contains beans and hot chili peppers - traditional products for Mexico. There is no need to add specially prepared sauce to the filling. During frying, all ingredients release juices, which are mixed with vegetable oil and tomato puree. The liquid makes the minced meat juicy and perfectly saturates the flatbread. The tortilla is wrapped in an envelope or rolled into a tube. Serve in portions as an appetizer, generously sprinkled with fresh chopped herbs.