Chokeberry in vodka

Step-by-step preparation
How to make chokeberry with vodka? It’s easy and simple, which is why this is probably the most popular recipe! We remember that we always take high-quality vodka. You can also cook with other alcohol. Rowan ripens in early autumn, but do not rush, cover it from birds and wait until it freezes. Then the chokeberry will become juicy and not so tart. If you pick before frost, put the berries in the freezer for a day. Frost removes bitterness and astringency.
Separate the berries from the ridges. Sort through, remove all twigs and leaves. Leave only whole, high-quality berries. Dried, unripe and pecked, it is not needed.
Then rinse thoroughly under cool, running water under low pressure. Let the water drain. Distribute the berries on a tray with holes to dry them or keep them in a colander longer.
If the rowan is dense and hard, crush it slightly. You can do it right away in a jar, I find it convenient in a wide plate, so I can see every berry. If you take frozen rowan, it will be much softer and at your discretion, you can skip this stage. It is important that you only need to press the berry slightly so that it bursts but remains intact. Then the tincture will remain transparent and will not require several stages of filtration.
Pour the berries into a jar and pour in enough vodka to completely cover it by 1.5 - 2 cm. Top up if necessary.
Immediately add all the sugar, close the lid tightly and shake or swirl everything thoroughly to dissolve the sugar. Leave on the counter for a couple of hours, stir the contents a few more times. Then put the jar in a dark place at room temperature or a little cooler, ideally in the pantry. Leave to infuse for two months. Shake regularly for the first 2-3 days, then once a week, but do not open the jar. This stage is the longest, be patient!
For the tincture, take a clean, preferably glass container. For small volumes, a 2-3 liter jar is suitable.
After 2 months, filter the tincture through several layers of gauze, even if you prepared it with a whole berry. The drink will be transparent, beautiful, rich berry color. For filtration I use a funnel with a screw-on fine sieve, it works perfectly. Pour the pure tincture into bottles and store in the refrigerator or other cool place for 2-3 days to stabilize the taste. The longer the tincture sits, the brighter the taste and aroma will be.
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