Grass carp fish - 2 cooking recipes

If you wanted to supplement your fish diet, cook grass carp. View popular recipes with step-by-step detailed photos, find out the cooking features and the absolute benefits of the dish, evaluate the dietary qualities and variety of recipes.

Grass carp fish

Find amazing, reliable recipes for grass carp on the website of culinary connoisseurs Try baking, frying, stewing, smoking or boiling fish. Taste stuffed carp with mushrooms, vegetables, and herbs. Make an incredible jellied fish.

When purchasing, the freshness of grass carp is determined by the condition of the gills, eyes of the fish and aroma. The scales of fresh fish cannot be faded, and the fins cannot be “withered.” It is advisable to purchase a fairly large specimen, so it is easier to work with it and remove bones.

Interesting recipe: 1. Wash, remove entrails and remove grass carp scales. Cut off the fins.2. Cut off the head. Carefully pull out the spine with rib bones through the tummy, leaving the skin on the back intact.3. Boil the head with the bones, onions, carrots and parsley root. Cook for about half an hour. Strain.4. Salt the fish flesh, pepper and rub with spicy spices. Sprinkle with lemon juice or soy sauce.5. Prepare nut duxelles: fry mushrooms, onions and nuts.6. Stuff the fish with filling.7. Place the prepared cupid in a heat-resistant oval container.8. Pour in the strained broth from the head and bones.9. Leave to simmer in an oven preheated to 200° for twenty minutes.10. Add dissolved gelatin. Heat without boiling.11. Cool.

Helpful tips:• Cupid will turn out very tasty if baked in foil.• When slicing the fish, you should try to get it between the vertebrae.• During the cleaning process, you must carefully remove the black belly film. If it remains, the finished food may become noticeably bitter.