Czech cuisine - 15 cooking recipes

Teetotalers, vegetarians and fans of healthy eating in Prague will have to choose their lunch or dinner for a long time. Because Czech cuisine consists of pickled foods, high-calorie baked goods, garlic and pepper seasonings, sausages, sausages and other meat products.

Czech cuisine

But by adhering to the principle of moderation, you can discover the taste of traditional dishes. - Goulash - not as spicy as Hungarian. - "Knee" - pork knuckle in beer. - A variety of meat and liver pates. - Dumplings - boiled dough with filling. - Onion soup - considered a French dish, but borrowed by the Czechs. An interesting feature of Czech dishes is their complex pronunciation in their native language - too many consonants in a row. For example: 1) Trdlo. This is a dessert tube.2) Drshtkova. Very tasty tripe soup. 3) Pstrug. Baked river trout. However, if you don’t try slivovitz with a strength of 70 degrees, then it’s easy to repeat. Beer snacks are a separate topic in Czech cuisine recipes. It would not be an exaggeration to say that national food is prepared mainly for the sake of having something to eat. Among the most popular: - breaded fried cheese