jerk chicken breast

An excellent meat delicacy at home - it's easy! Incredibly tasty, aromatic and bright-tasting dried meat is obtained according to this recipe! Moreover, you can cook not only chicken, but also duck and rabbit. Try it, it will work the first time, that's for sure!
Addison TaylorAddison Taylor
Author of the recipe
jerk chicken breast
*Nutritional value of 1 serving


ServingsServings: 3

Step-by-step preparation

Cooking timeCooking time: 7 day
  1. STEP 1

    STEP 1

    How to make jerky breasts? Mix all dry spices with salt and sugar. Crush the juniper berries with a fork so that they release their aroma and taste. Mix the juice and spices and rub the mixture onto the chicken breast. You can add 2-3 tbsp to the berry juice. cognac, armagnac or sherry. Place the breasts in a plastic container, cover with a lid and refrigerate overnight.

  2. STEP 2

    STEP 2

    In a day, this picture awaits us. The fillet released its juice and became denser.

  3. STEP 3

    STEP 3

    Rinse the breasts of excess salt under running water. Dry with towels, roll in any dry spices: paprika, ground pepper, thyme, rosemary, suneli hops and so on. I rolled it in coriander.

  4. STEP 4

    STEP 4

    Hang the breasts on a hook, twine, or cord and hang them out in the open air. Preferably somewhere where there are no flies and midges. I have it hanging on a ventilated balcony. You can even hang it on the window. Or you can simply dry it in the refrigerator, wrapped in thick cloth, sometimes hanging it out to air.

  5. STEP 5

    STEP 5

    You will be pleased with the result in 3-5-7 days, depending on the desired degree of withering. The longer it hangs, the denser the meat becomes. I tried it already on day 5.

  6. STEP 6

    STEP 6

    Let me remind you that I cook duck breast in the same way, only I use less spices (juniper and pepper), because its taste should not be overwhelmed by a large number of aromas, unlike chicken, which practically does not have its own bright taste.

Comments on the recipe

Author comment no avatar
Natalia M
My husband really likes dried meat, I try to make him such delicacies as often as possible) This time I prepared dried chicken breast according to this recipe. This recipe differs in that the meat is salted together with spices, and then, after washing, it is also rolled in spices. For variety, I took different supplements. First I salted it in regular salt, chicken spices and juniper. I had dried juniper berries, so I just rubbed them with my fingers. After washing the fillet, I dried it and generously rubbed it with my favorite paprika and dried rosemary. It is better to roll in rosemary before paprika, so it sticks more tightly to the meat. The breasts were dried for three days in the open air. The result is great! The meat turned reddish thanks to the large amount of paprika. It is dense and easily cut into pieces. I cut thin pieces into strips. Dried chicken breasts are incredibly spicy, moderately salty, aromatic and very tasty!
Author comment no avatar
and this is how I do it
Author comment no avatar
Super recipe, Anka, I’ll definitely try it!
Author comment no avatar
Anka, gorgeous meat! The only question is, what should the average temperature be and air humidity play a role or not?
Author comment no avatar
Irish, the temperature is from 1 to 20 degrees, ideally from 5-18, the main thing is not summer heat or frost, I don’t know about humidity, I can do it in the refrigerator and in the air, but in general this is a very easy recipe, no one has spoiled it yet meat)
Author comment no avatar
Thanks, I'll definitely try it!
Author comment no avatar
Oh, I’m also interested in the street method: doesn’t the meat need to be covered in any way? Well, I don’t know, from birds, from dust?