Milk buckwheat porridge with milk - 3 cooking recipes

Buckwheat porridge with milk is a traditional dish of Russian cuisine that our great-grandmothers grew up eating. And over hundreds of years it has not become less tasty or less popular. Both children and adults still love to cook it.

Milk buckwheat porridge with milk

It would seem that what’s so difficult here: prepare buckwheat porridge with milk? But there are a few little tricks that improve the taste or speed of preparation of this favorite dish in Russia.

The first trick is a modern one, related to speed and improving taste at the same time. If you want to get awesome porridge, cook it in a slow cooker. If there is no such thing, take out the pressure cooker from your kitchen bins and try it. If you only have a stove and a saucepan, try cooking buckwheat in the usual ratio of water and cereal, but closer to the start of boiling, pour 1-2 tablespoons of vegetable oil into the water.

An oil film forms on the surface of the water, which performs two functions at once. Firstly, it will prevent the liquid from boiling away quickly, which means the porridge will cook a little faster. And, secondly, it will make buckwheat more juicy and soft.

The second trick is more focused on enhancing the taste. It involves cooking porridge in a clay pot in the oven. Not what our grandmothers did when they had a luxurious Russian stove at their disposal, but closer to that. With this method, the cereal simmers for a long time at a high temperature, making it very aromatic, crumbly, and tender.

All of the above is suitable if you cook the porridge, and only then mix it with milk. But there are recipes for buckwheat porridge with milk directly. That is, we cook cereal in it and serve it as is or adding more milk. It is better to dilute everything with water in a 1:1 ratio.

There is an opinion that buckwheat becomes tastier if it is fried in a hot frying pan without oil. But don't overdo it.

Also, porridges of different taste, appearance and consistency can be obtained by taking different types of buckwheat as a basis: chaff or prodel, core, flakes.

Russian buckwheat porridge with milk and a piece of butter is traditionally served.