Lightly salted cucumbers in a pan - 5 cooking recipes

Cook cucumbers in a saucepan for a delicious homemade snack for any occasion. No worries and hassle, no hassle with rolling up cans and storing them in the cellar - just keep the dishes in a cool, dark place in the apartment (a balcony is fine). Choose a recipe and cook!

Lightly salted cucumbers in a pan

To cook cucumbers in a saucepan for the winter (and not only) you don’t need any special knowledge or culinary skills. All you need is to choose the “right” cucumbers. They need to be the same medium or small size, with pimples (because they crisp better and ferment/salt/pickle faster).

The choice of pan is also important. It is advisable to take enameled, without chips, or glass or stainless steel. We immediately refuse aluminum, tin, and cast iron.

Most often, cucumbers are pickled in a saucepan, making them slightly salted or salty. Or fermented, less often pickled. There are two ways: cold and hot. Both depend on what kind of brine, cold or hot, is poured into the cucumbers. For a pleasant crunchiness, vegetables must be soaked in cool water. You can cut off the hard ends at the same time.

Close to the classic recipe for cucumbers in a saucepan, it consists of: horseradish leaves, currants, cherries, dill, garlic, salt and water. You need to start by preparing the brine. For it, take clean filtered or boiled chilled water. Place half of the greens on the bottom of the pan. Cucumbers with their “butts” cut off go on top (this way they will cook faster). On top are garlic cloves sliced ​​crosswise. And everything is poured with brine so that the cucumbers are covered with it. Everything is covered with the second half of the greens. And they press down with oppression. This can be a simple plate on which you can put any convenient weight.

At night, the pickling is left in this form in a dark place where the sun's rays do not pass through. And in the morning they put it in the refrigerator or on a cold balcony. After a day, you can try and treat your guests.

For the hot method of cooking cucumbers in a saucepan, everything is the same, except for one thing: the brine must be boiling. They are poured over vegetables, put under pressure in a dark place, and allowed to cool (for the same night). In the morning, transfer to the refrigerator. You can try these cucumbers faster than the first ones. You can also store them in a regular jar or container, filling them with the same cooled brine (the greens can be removed from it).