Chokeberry jam and more - 4 cooking recipes

Summer is the time for berries and fruits to ripen. And in order not to be left without a tasty vitamin treat even in winter, all kinds of preparations come to the rescue. By the beginning of autumn, rowan ripens.

Chokeberry jam and more

Unfortunately, due to its bitter, tart taste, ordinary red rowan is not particularly popular. Although there are also sweet varieties of this berry. But this is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals - there are not so many of them in traditionally consumed berries! It’s not for nothing that our grandmothers prepared it for future use, preserving it in numerous ways. In combination with sugar, it acquires a special, unique taste. It’s not at all difficult to make rowan jam. Any types of rowan are used: red, chokeberry.

It is recommended to harvest no earlier than the first frost. The fruits will partially lose their astringency and become sweeter. You can make an assortment by adding apples, oranges, honey and other ingredients. Experienced housewives know various recipes for rowan jam and generously share them with everyone who wants to have an appetizing, healthy natural remedy for maintaining health. And how nice it is to gather with the whole family on a winter evening over a cup of hot tea with aromatic piquant jam. And pies with such filling will not leave anyone indifferent. Why not try it?