Bell peppers stuffed with vegetables - 10 cooking recipes

Try making bell peppers stuffed with vegetables using recipes with photos of each step. Determine which products can be replaced, how long it will take to prepare, calculate the number of servings and calorie content of this dish, suitable for vegetarians, fasting and dieting.

Bell peppers stuffed with vegetables

Here are recipes for bell peppers stuffed with vegetables, which can be used for everyday or holiday menus, as well as for winter preparations. Choose one of several filling options and use a convenient type of heat treatment. Choose the appropriate sauce and serving method.

Peppers can be of any variety, long or flat. It is kept in boiling water and baked in the oven. After this, the skin will become soft and pliable and will not burst during the stuffing process.

The filling is prepared from any vegetables, to taste. It definitely contains sautéed onions and carrots. The following ingredients are added:

The basic steps for preparing vegetable stuffed peppers are as follows.

The dish can be served hot or cold. Peppers with vegetables are good with tomato, sour cream, sour cream-mustard, sour cream-tomato sauces.

Each culinary recipe has its own cooking secrets. And this one is no exception: