From tuna - 9 cooking recipes

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From tuna

Tuna has long been considered the most popular fish, characterized by its delicate and pleasant taste. No wonder the Japanese love it very much, whose life expectancy surprises the whole world. Longevity is promoted by the mass of useful substances found in tuna. It is also rich in vitamins B, D, A, E, and amino acids. The maximum content of fish oil makes this product especially valuable and nutritious. An undoubted “plus” is the presence of large quantities of protein, which is so necessary for the human body. It is not for nothing that this fish is equal in protein content to meat. Nutritionists consider this seafood a food that can be confidently recommended to almost everyone to achieve good results in the fight against excess weight. It is worth noting that, in this case, weight loss will be accompanied by the preservation of muscle mass. Numerous recipes for dishes with tuna also give you excellent health and mood. Even doctors advise consuming this fish more often. It has long been noted that people who include tuna meat in their regular diet increase immunity, improve vision, normalize blood pressure, and reduce the manifestations of allergic reactions. To preserve all the best properties, it is important to prepare the treat correctly. Its unique taste and amazing pink color make it an exquisite decoration for any holiday table. It is also good for daily use, hot or cold. Baked, boiled, fried or salted tuna is equally beautiful and tasty.