Ancient recipes - 349 cooking recipes

We are often tormented by the question of what dish to prepare for breakfast, lunch or dinner. At various times, we become interested in both online cooking and cooking with photos.

Ancient recipes

If a recipe is interesting enough and has step-by-step preparation, then we definitely save it in our electronic Cookbook. But there were times when our grandmothers and great-grandmothers wrote down new recipes in thick notebooks. Today we call them old recipes and have a deep sense of gratitude for them. What are the good things about old recipes? First of all, because they have been time-tested, no matter how banal it may sound. On the other hand, it is always nice to serve a dish that could have been eaten by people who lived a hundred or three hundred years before us. Surely our grandmothers also thought about what to cook cheaply and tasty, with minimal costs, with a small set of products. From time immemorial, home cooking was considered the most common occurrence. Today, in the age of technology and high speeds, we sometimes lack time not only for cooking, but even for our personal life. For us, cooking something is already a great feat, let alone something like ancient recipes. Our grandmothers had a different attitude towards food. For them, the kitchen represented practically the whole world. For the most part, women were exclusively involved in housework; they were responsible for all the maintenance of the cellars and kitchen shelves. That is why ancient recipes most often represent a detailed description of a very tasty, very unusual dish. Our grandmothers hardly thought about what to cook quickly. It was important for them to feed the whole family nourishingly and tasty. Some argue that cooking generally develops in a spiral just like history. What has long been forgotten and sunk into oblivion suddenly returns and becomes our present. Therefore, often ancient recipes can sparkle with new colors, filling our stomachs and hearts with a feeling of deep satisfaction and happiness.