Sourdough for kvass - 5 cooking recipes
Every housewife can make kvass at home. What to do with kvass starter? Surely it will require special ingredients? On store shelves you can find all the useful ingredients that allow you to prepare a drink with a slight sourness.
- Sourdough made from rye flour for kvassA simple and practical recipe for rye sourdough for classic kvass!
- 5 day
- 1 Servings
- 873 Kcal
- 44
- Ferment for kvass with birch sapPrepare kvass from sourdough starter with birch sap. Simple and delicious!
- 4 day
- 1 Servings
- 988 Kcal
- 7
- Beetroot starter for kvassExcellent beet kvass comes out with this sourdough starter, try it!
- 4 day
- 1 Servings
- 648 Kcal
- 28
- Sourdough for kvass with yeastDo you like kvass? Make your own using sourdough rye-wheat bread!
- 3 day
- 1 Servings
- 242 Kcal
- 40
- Hop starter for kvass and bakingA simple and original way to get starter for delicious kvass
- 3 day
- 1 Servings
- 813 Kcal
- 24
Sourdough for kvass
This refreshing drink will save you from thirst and give you a boost of energy throughout the day. Sourdough recipes for kvass should be studied carefully before starting the preparation process. First you need to decide what kind of bread you will make from? You can use any type of flour product, sweet or unleavened, with dried fruits or berries. A high-quality starter is a yeast culture, thanks to which this infusion is gradually fermented in the container and enzymes and amino acids are activated. A tasty starter helps improve digestion and also increase performance. The dish takes two to three days to prepare. As soon as the fermentation process has begun, represented by a specific sour aroma, it means the starter is ready. It can be consumed in any form, even chilled. Without yeast, with raisins and dried fruits, with hops - there are dozens, hundreds and thousands of different variations.