Dishes with ranetki - 7 cooking recipes
- Compote from ranetkiWithout sterilization, your favorite compote can be so different.
- 1 day
- 10 Servings
- 263 Kcal
- 94
- Adjika bell pepper garlic with ranetkiSweet and sour, spicy, without sterilization.
- 12 hr
- 40 Servings
- 102 Kcal
- 83
- Paradise apple jam with a tailBeautiful, fragrant, bright and very tasty!
- 1 day
- 10 Servings
- 445 Kcal
- 52
- Ranetki jamBright, beautiful, appetizing, for tea and baking!
- 1 day 5 hr
- 20 Servings
- 227 Kcal
- 61
- Compote of ranetki with chokeberry without sterilizationWell, a very simple recipe for preparing and preserving!
- 1 hr 30 mins
- 12 Servings
- 383 Kcal
- 12
- Delicious pickled green tomatoes with ranetkaTomatoes with ranetki for the winter - you haven't prepared anything like this!
- 40 mins
- 20 Servings
- 48 Kcal
- 26
- Pie with pears and applesAmazing pie! Very tender and tasty.
- 1 hr 20 mins
- 8 Servings
- 485 Kcal
- 32