Liver pancakes - 7 cooking recipes

Liver is one of the most popular offal products. This is partly explained by its benefits, and also by its taste. Dishes made from this product are combined with various side dishes; most of them are prepared quickly, and no special effort is required.

Liver pancakes

However, it is not to everyone's taste. Sometimes parents try to introduce it into the children's menu, to which the kids often react with protest. It happens that someone has to try it for the first time, but the prepared treat does not leave a positive impression - most likely, the simple rules for processing the product were neglected. Even lovers of this valuable product sometimes wonder how to cook liver deliciously and how to surprise their loved ones?

In fact, it is not always necessary to look for a non-standard approach and come up with something original. Easy-to-make and inexpensive dishes can be a real boon. Recipes for liver pancakes will help you save your family budget and serve a hearty breakfast or dinner without the hassle. The authors of many ideas emphasize that chicken, beef, and pork liver can be used as the main ingredient. The remaining ingredients are usually found in the kitchen - eggs, flour and spices. Despite the simple composition, the treat turns out to be nutritious and tasty.