Dishes with carob - 1 cooking recipes

Dishes with carob

It must be admitted that among people who are passionate about cooking and among those who do not cook too often, there are many people who do not know what carob is and how to use it. Regular cocoa powder is much more popular. The latter is sure to be found in almost every kitchen, because you can quickly prepare a thick, warming drink from it on a bad evening, and you can add it to baked goods and desserts. But sometimes you have to think about purchasing an analogue - a product that has the appropriate qualities, but is something special. People who limit themselves to caffeine consumption think about an analogue. But do not forget that carob fruits contain gum - a natural thickener. Sometimes confectioners are interested in the properties of this gelling agent. Recipes for dishes with carob are interesting for those for whom chocolate or cocoa in general is contraindicated. In particular, the fruits of a tree cultivated in the Mediterranean produce a drink that tastes just as good as regular cocoa.