Zucchini jam from zucchini - 5 cooking recipes

Make custom zucchini jam using the suggested photo recipes. Select the necessary ingredients, replacing the missing ones, calculate the number of servings, determine the calorie content and find out the cooking time.

Zucchini jam from zucchini

Such non-standard recipes as zucchini jam, after the first use, are forever fixed in the housewife’s arsenal. Although a vegetable is used here, the addition of citrus fruits gives the jam a special taste and wonderful aroma. The structure of the zucchini provides an amber transparency, so the jam even looks delicious. Prepare it with the addition of various citrus fruits, cook it over a fire or in a slow cooker, choosing the appropriate recipe from the section.

The special beauty of zucchini jam is that you can use vegetables of any degree of maturity. This is a great way to harvest overgrown zucchini.

For taste and aroma, add any type of citrus fruit:

Various spices, such as ginger and citric acid, will help add piquant notes and enhance the taste.

Prepare zucchini jam according to the standard recipe. You will need a cooking container, sugar, water, jars and lids.

After this, the jars can be turned upside down until they cool. Then put it away until winter.

Although the recipe for zucchini jam is simple, there are several secrets to its preparation: