Pork on the bone T-bone steak - 5 cooking recipes
- Grilled pork neck on the boneDelicious, juicy! Men will definitely appreciate it! Getting ready for barbecue!
- 1 day
- 4 Servings
- 925 Kcal
- 15
- Pork cutlet on the bone baked in foilVerified!!! The way to a man's heart is deliciously baked cutlets.
- 1 hr 30 mins
- 5 Servings
- 570 Kcal
- 42
- Pork on the bone in soy sauce with onions, bakedThe sauce makes the meat very juicy.
- 1 hr 40 mins
- 2 Servings
- 701 Kcal
- 8
- Pork on the boneJuicy pork with a slight aroma of ginger, garlic and a hint of sweetness
- 5 hr
- 4 Servings
- 922 Kcal
- 20
- Pork steak on the boneIn a frying pan, delicious, simple and very fast!
- 1 hr
- 2 Servings
- 741 Kcal
- 91