Lavash lasagna in pita bread - 5 cooking recipes
- Lazy lasagna in a frying pan with minced lavashFast, tastiest, made from ordinary products, for lunch and dinner!
- 1 hr
- 5 Servings
- 678 Kcal
- 98
- Lasagna with minced chicken and lavashDon't waste time preparing dough for sheets - use pita bread
- 45 mins
- 8 Servings
- 424 Kcal
- 227
- Lazy lasagna with pita breadDo you love lasagna, but don’t have time to cook it? This recipe is for you!
- 55 mins
- 5 Servings
- 538 Kcal
- 18
- Lavash lasagna with minced meat in the ovenFast! Just! Beautiful! It will become a real table decoration!
- 1 hr
- 8 Servings
- 463 Kcal
- 158
- Lazy lavash lasagna with minced meat in the oven with cheeseIncredibly tasty, bright, juicy, appetizing, easy and simple!
- 1 hr 10 mins
- 4 Servings
- 611 Kcal
- 183