Kholodnik soup - 4 cooking recipes
Kholodnik soup - quick and simple recipes for home for every taste: reviews, cooking time, calories, super search, personal Recipe saver
- BeetrootBright, beautiful, appetizing, light, perfect for the heat!
- 55 mins
- 3 Servings
- 151 Kcal
- 121
- Kholodnik with kefirDelicious, fresh and very simple - even a child can cook it!
- 2 hr
- 3 Servings
- 199 Kcal
- 108
- Kholodnik from sorrel on kefirPleasant, tasty, refreshing vitamin soup for a summer lunch
- 30 mins
- 7 Servings
- 126 Kcal
- 120
- Cold beet borscht with kefirRefreshing cold soup comes from Belarus!
- 1 hr 40 mins
- 4 Servings
- 232 Kcal
- 143